Friday, September 12, 2008

I really, really did it!

Well, this is proof. I really, really did it. I participated in a "blog". I'll admit it. I read yours and enjoyed it. So, if I enjoyed it, I had better contribute.

Eventually I will try to take the time to fiddle with photos, etc.

We all stay busy and fine. Ever since reading the anthropology article, I have been avoiding entering the private family shrine for use of the holy water. I still have to though - albeit on a limited basis. I guess I'd better go shave my chin before it is time to go pick up Aprila and Anjelica at school.

Oh, that reminds me: I am a room mother!!! April 1st grade class needed a room mother, so Mom leaned on me and I bit. It will be fun with Mom's support and coaching. I am also reading to her school class for fifteen minutes on each Tuesday and Wednesday. I have loved it. The kids seem to like it, too. They call me Grandpa Bill. It is fun to see April's smile as she shares me with her class.

My goal will be to get mom and I together with enough dedicated time to show her your blog entries of photos and writings. She will love it.

Love to you all. Daddy Bones